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The Gallery and the Five W's


While I am talking about those W’s as who, what, where, when, and why, we also do have our 5 person Wiker/Fields team finishing out the space, a double meaning to the 5 W’s of The Gallery!

In this blog post, we are going to give you all the details about The Gallery including those 5 W’s and an FAQ section. Keep on reading to get the details and see the artists who will be featured in The Gallery.

Top to bottom, photos are in chronological order dated back to January of this year.


Hi, Maddey here! Who is that "who"? Those 5 W’s I mentioned, the Wiker/Fields team putting The Gallery together, that’s who! We are a family run team who is outfitting, designing, marketing, branding, detailing, and finishing the space. Not only will you see us pulling the space together, but you also will find, myself, my sister, Abbey, and my mom, Jody, at the front desk in The Gallery to help answer your questions and help with anything you may need.

The inside of The Gallery in January of 2021.


This space looks and functions as a classic fine arts gallery, but we are all about putting the artists first. Their work, their ideas, and their art.

We want to bring art out from Instagram and give artist and their supporters a moment to engage and view their work in person. As artists ourselves, we understand how hard it can be selling work in a traditional gallery setting, we want to changing that.


The Gallery will be located at 5 Trading Post Way in Medford Lakes, New Jersey. Trading Post Way is in the heart of Medford Lakes, a community we are incredibly proud to have been a part of for 20 years.

We are excited to be able to bring our love and passion for the arts to Medford Lakes in an accessible and visually engaging way in our new space, The Gallery.

To view a map of how to get to The Gallery, click the photo above.


The grand opening of The Gallery will be held on Friday, September 10th at 5:30pm. We will remain open that even for special hours until 8:00pm. Our usual The Gallery hours are Wednesday to Friday from 12:00pm to 6:30pm and Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm.


Why not! Medford Lakes in a beautiful and creative community and one that embraces and continuously engages with the arts. The Gallery will be another moment for our community to appreciate, view, and support local artists.

Want a sneak peak at who you will be able to find in our first rotation at The Gallery… check it out below!

Students from our Portfolio & Branding Class photographing work in The Gallery.

Our Annual Student Art Exhibition in The Gallery.


While we have you, here is a quick FAQ for The Gallery of your most burning questions.

I want to display my artwork in The Gallery, can I? How do I get in contact with you?

Thank you for your interest and desire to display and sell your artwork in The Gallery. To inquire about having your work here, you can contact us on our website, While we would love to give everyone the opportunity to display their work, we unfortunately cannot. You will hear back from us whether your work will be accepted into The Gallery to be displayed.

I want to buy artwork in The Gallery, what payment methods do you take?

At The Gallery, currently, we are accepting cash, check, or Venmo payment to our The Art Studio account. We will be looking to install a credit and debit system with the year.

Can I come to the opening and reception when new art is installed?

Yes, please come to see the new work and maybe even get to meet the artists. As a community gallery, we want The Gallery to be our towns art hub for art events and enjoying artwork with creative like minds.

Do I need to wear a mask when I am in The Gallery?

All vaccinated adults do not need to wear a mask when you are in The Gallery, although we do recommend it. We ask unvaccinated adults and child to please wear a mask to keep ourselves, our families, and our community safe. Our staff will follow the same guidelines.

Is The Gallery part of The Art Studio?

The Gallery is a part of The Art Studio, but it functions as an independent gallery. Having a gallery space next to our studio, allows us the opportunity to feature student work along side professional and practicing artists, giving them real world art experience.

In addition, it is a space for people to come in, view artwork, and even ask us questions if they have any.

Do you have an Instagram and website for The Art Studio and The Gallery? Is there a separate Facebook too?

We have an instagram for The Gallery (@galleryinthelakes) and The Studio (@artstudiointhelakes). Currently, we do only have the one Facebook page, but a second website is under construction for The Gallery.

Are you going to have art shows in The Gallery?

Yes! Our Annual Student Art Exhibition will be held in The Gallery each May. As for other shows, this is something we will be exploring as we gain more experience and are

able to work with more artists, stay tuned!

We look forward to seeing you on September 10th at 5:30pm for our Grand Opening at The Gallery, 5 Trading Post Way in Medford Lakes, NJ.



the art studio-6.png

Telephone: 609.744.3547 


Address: 7 Trading Post Way, Medford Lakes NJ 08055

the art studio

The Gallery,

5 Trading Post Way

The Studio,

7 Trading Post Way

Medford Lakes, NJ 08055



10:00am - 2:00pm

Anytime by appointment


Thank you for joining!

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